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AAOS & IASP: A Bit More Than the Obligatory Launch Announcement

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the International Association for the Study of Pain launched eBook sites on Tizra almost simultaneously.

Site launch announcements tend to be a bit like high school football coverage in small-town papers: The only people who pay attention are the players and their families. We think today's news is a little different, though. It involves two very prestigious organizations with similar goals going live on Tizra almost simultaneously, and as a result, serves to emphatically highlight some trends of broad interest in professional publishing.

Why did both the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and the International Association for the Study of Pain choose now to go-live with eBook portals on Tizra? Each had their reasons, but a few common threads...

  • Both view delivering value to, and building relationships with, members as mission critical, and therefore wanted a digital publishing platform that would help them understand and optimize every facet of those relationships.
  • Both view their digital publications as an integral part of the value they provide, and therefore want them to be an integral part of the websites through which they connect with their communities.  Tizra made the experience seamless.
  • Both had prior investments in different association management software packages, and needed a publication platform that would integrate with them to provide easy single sign-on access, and a personalized experience for their members.
  • Both wanted solutions that would make their publications discoverable by a wider audience, helping to expand their communities.
  • Both know it's crucial to keep up with rapid change in the ways their communities are consuming information...and needed a solution that could evolve along with them. 
So yes, this is a launch announcement.  But we hope you agree, it's also a sign of some bigger things that bear watching!


David McKnight said…
Thrilled to see IASP and AAOS make the eBook leap. Both organizations have a wealth of content as "THE" leaders in their areas. Congrats to all for this investment!

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