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Announcing the Tizra Publishing Webinar Series 2017

This September Tizra is launching a new educational program for its association publishing clients and others interested in digital publication best practices. The free series of three monthly webinars led by publishing expert Thad McIlroy is directed to help you become a more effective publishing manager by examining best practices and new trends in online publishing.

The first webinar in the series is "The 5 Top Issues Facing Association Publishing Management and How ToTackle Them!" and it takes place on Thursday, September 28 from 1pm - 2pm ET. Registration is free.

It’s never been a better time to be an association publisher. The tools, technologies and formats bring information and knowledge to members in record time and in multiple formats. There are challenges, but, as the saying goes, challenge brings opportunity. When Tizra talks with association publishing managers these are the top issues we hear about:
1. Enabling discovery via search and enhanced metadata
2. Optimizing content delivery to mobile devices
3. New technologies for continuing education
4. Marketing through multiple sales channels
5. Dynamic web sites for publication sales
This webinar will review each issue and discuss ways that publishing managers can more effectively address these core challenges. You can register by clicking on this link.

Two additional webinars will follow in October and November: "A Holistic View of Association Publishing" on Oct 26, 2017 1:00 PM EDT, and "Trends in Continuing Education in Association Publishing" on Nov 15, 2017 1:00 PM EST. For more information regarding these webinars, click on the links above.

About the Presenter
Thad McIlroy is an electronic publishing analyst and author based in San Francisco. His site,, is the most in-depth on the subject. McIlroy advises associations and publishing companies on maximizing digital technologies within publishing workflows. During the past 25 years he has educated and entertained audiences around the world on every aspect of digital publishing. His latest book is The Metadata Handbook: A Book Publisher’s Guide to Creating and Distributing Metadata for Print and Ebooks.


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