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Look...up in the sky! It's Super Tagger!

The Super Tagger feature gives you superhero-like powers to update -- in bulk -- the metadata properties of the content you manage in Tizra, including Documents, Excerpts, Collections, Virtual Collections, Static Pages and Offers.

It also gives you the all too human power to change your mind, make mistakes, and learn as you go.  Because it lets you make large-scale changes after you load your content, you no longer have to worry so much about getting your metadata just right beforehand.  If you suddenly realize you'd like to bundle your recipes by main ingredient, or your conference papers by first author's organization, you don't have to start over, you can Super Tag them!

It can be especially useful for educational publishers working to make use of the new metadata standards being proposed by the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative and the Common Core State Standards Initiative.

For example, one of the proposed LRMI standards is to include the typical age range of the content’s intended end user. You could add a metadata field to your Documents called "Typical Age Range," filter on all types of Content for a particular age range, and then use the Super Tagger to add the age range to all the applicable Documents.

Step-by-step instructions for using the Super Tagger:

Note: If you want to populate a new metadata field using the Super Tagger feature, be sure to add that metadata field to your Documents, Excerpts, Collections, etc. using the New Property feature before proceeding with these instructions.
  1. From the Tizra Control Panel click on CONTENT and then go to Documents, Excerpts, Collections, Virtual Collections, Static Pages, Offers, or Excerpt Offers.
  2. Filter on the Content (Documents, Excerpts, Collections, etc.) you wish to update (only filter if you are not updating ALL of this particular type of Content).

    Filtering is useful when your Tizra Publisher site has hundreds or thousands of content items, because it enables you to narrow the list to just the items you want to work with.
  3. Select the empty box at the top of the Content List to select all.

  4. Click the Super Tagger button.

  5. The Super Tagger dialog box will open, displaying all metadata fields for the selected Content type (Documents, Excerpts, Collections, etc.). Use the scroll bar on the right-hand side of the dialog box to see additional metadata fields.

     Note: The type of metadata field (true/false, keyword list, string, etc.) will determine which Super Tagger options are available to you in the drop-down list underneath each metadata field.
  6. Leave the default selection of "ignore" if you do not wish to change that particular metadata field.
    Select one of the following options from the drop-down list.

    We've outlined the options for some of the more popular metadata types.

    For String fields:
    Select Replace from the drop-down list and then enter the new value in the blank field. Or, if you are working with Excerpts and you wish to pull the values in from each Excerpt's parent Document, simply select Add Values from Parent from the drop-down list.

    For True/False fields:
    Select Replace from the drop-down list and then select the Yes or No radio button. Or, if you are working with Excerpts and you wish to pull the True/False setting from each Excerpt's parent Document, simply select Add Values from Parent from the drop-down list.

    For Keyword Lists:The process for REPLACING Keyword List values is described step-by-step along with screen shots. The remaining Keyword List options: Add Values, Remove Values and Add Values from Parent are also described, but without screen shots, as the processes are similar.

    To REPLACE ALL existing Keyword values with a new value, select Replace from the drop-down list.

    Click into the blank field beneath the drop-down list.

    The Picker screen will open.

    Enter a New Value and then click the Add button.

    Click the X in the bottom right-hand corner to exit the Picker screen.

    The newly added value will display back on the Super Tagger dialog box.

    Proceed to Step 7 below.

    OR, if you wish  to ADD a new Keyword value to any existing values, select Add Values from the drop-down list.

    Click into the blank field to open the Picker screen; enter the New Value; click the Add button; click the X in the bottom right-hand corner to exit the Picker screen; and then proceed to Step 7 below.

    OR, if you wish to REMOVE any existing Keyword value(s), select RemoveValues from the drop-down list.

    Click into the blank field to open the Picker screen; click on any existing Value(s) you wish to remove; click the X in the bottom right-hand corner to exit the Picker screen; and then proceed to Step 7 below.

    Or, If you are working with Excerpts and you wish to pull the values in from each Excerpt's parent Document, simply select Add Values from Parent and then proceed to Step 7 below.

  7. Click the Update Fields button on the Super Tagger dialog box. All applicable metadata fields will be updated!


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