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Showing posts from September, 2014

Fast Forward (and Back) with Thumbnail Browsing

Helping readers maintain the kind of contextual awareness and quick navigation that print books naturally afford has been a perennial challenge in designing digital reading interfaces. Our new thumbnail browsing option helps by displaying a row of small page images below the main reading area. Readers can quickly skim back and forth to spot the page layouts and illustrations they're looking for. It's especially helpful with educational, reference and illustrated texts, where ability to home in fast on the right page is key. [ TRY IT NOW ] If you're a Tizra customer and you'd like the feature activated, just drop us a line .

How Big Is the iPad Opportunity? Let's Look at the Stats

We recently took a closer look at the analytics for publications delivered through Tizra , and were not surprised to see that mobile usage continues to rise sharply. But what did surprise us was just how quickly one particular mobile device—the iPad—is driving a fundamental change in the way people consume content. Apple's iOS mobile operating system is now second only to Windows in popularity , mostly because of the rapid rise in iPad use. Compared to a year ago, iPad traffic is up 277 percent , and now represents 21 percent of total user sessions on Tizra-powered sites. It's hard to think of a better opportunity for publishers of eBooks and other long-form content.  If you'd like to know more about how publishers like the  International Association for the Study of Pain , LAB-AIDS and others are working with Tizra, please drop us a line .